By 2000, the APA formally opposed conversion therapy. Throughout the 90s, the APA went on to advise against discrimination in immigration and naturalization processes based on sexual orientation, along with encouraging members to prevent and respond to incidents of bias against gay people. Starting in 1988, the APA labeled discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation irrational and officially opposed exclusion and dismissal from the armed forces based on sexual orientation in 1990. Starting in 1973, homosexuality was no longer considered a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by most psychiatrists. He has been against Government run school systems and signed a bill to return Indiana’s educational. As Governor of Indiana, Pence has had his share of fighting for core principals. He has served 12 years in congress and knows what goes on behind closed doors in D.C. When Pence made his comments in the 90s, the American Psychological Association and other mental health groups had already established findings that contradict his claims. Mike Pence has a lot of the same ideas as Trump to make America great again. Pence's past claim that being gay is a choice or learned behavior contradicted psychological research that existed at the time Vice-President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence pose for a photo with Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar and his partner Dr.Matt Barrett at Farmleigh House in Dublin, Ireland September 3, 2019.